
Movie about julius caesar and cleopatra
Movie about julius caesar and cleopatra

movie about julius caesar and cleopatra

Historically speaking, Cleopatra was a Greek woman of Macedonian ancestry, coming from a long line of Ptolemy rulers, with her reign preceding the Arab invasion of the region. Many were hoping that an Egyptian actress would take on the role of the Egyptian queen, however, Cleopatra's own ancestry wasn't Egyptian. However, as similar controversy around the miniseries Queen Cleopatra and its Black lead (Adele James), the issue of race and adaptations of Cleopatra is not a simple one.


There's no question that Gal Gadot Cleopatra movie news has been met with controversy, namely, for whitewashing its main character. We have a beautiful script, and I cannot wait to share this story with the world and change the narrative of Cleopatra simply being a seductor. But to me, I’m so passionate to tell her story and to bring justice to this character, and her legacy and celebrate her and her legacy. Egypt and what Egypt was back then, was still futuristic to where we are today. But the truth is, there’s so much more to her.

movie about julius caesar and cleopatra movie about julius caesar and cleopatra

All I ever saw in regards to Cleopatra from film, was that she was this seductive woman who had an affair with Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. That’s a perfect example of a story that I wanted to tell because I started reading different books about Cleopatra, and I said, Wow, that’s fascinating. You know, if Wonder Woman is the imaginary strong female leader, Cleopatra’s actually the real one. Israel borders Egypt, and I grew up with so many stories about Cleopatra, and she’s like a household name. This is what Gadot is seeking to rectify, and her full, lengthy, quote can be read below: It's true that Cleopatra is often painted as a femme fatale in historical discourse, and many of the accusations surrounding her character could be deemed unfair. It's no secret that historical accounts like that of Cleopatra tend to favor men's side of the tale, and Gadot is seeking to bring justice to the historical inaccuracies regarding the Queen that have expounded over the centuries. The latest Gal Gadot Cleopatra movie news saw the actress speaking up about the importance of telling the Egyptian monarch's story in her cover issue of Vogue Hong Kong.

Movie about julius caesar and cleopatra